That quote from Matthew 7:21

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The chattering of demons reveal their location. Let them blather.

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Lots of great insight. Thank you. I'd be curious to know who these anti-semitic 'Christians' actually are (other than a few dramatic media figures). It's not that they don't exist at all, but I wonder do they actually exist in our daily lives in any meaningful way? Could they be algorythmically amplified for political purposes?

It's only in the past few weeks that I have caught wind of the antisemetic aspect of this 'trend'.

My experience with my baptist friends who hold Isreal and jews in a very special regard, is that their proclamation that 'Christ is King' is an open air celebratory summary of their beliefs - primarily in regards to the promise of redemption for everyone.

In my view it is also picking up steam as it is being deployed socially as an open air shiboleth and very obviously as a retort to cultural relativism.

I find this other version - emerging at the same time as Christians have been coming to the defence of Isreal, rather suspect. Severing the Judeo-Christian foundation of the West would certainly serve the agenda of those angling for political supremacy.

Have you considered the possibility there is something sinister about this narrative?

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One last point, resentment, which is the context of these deployed uses, is not Christian, it is explicitly anti-Christian. Not to say there are no exceptions, but it certainly helps discern who is behind the avatar.

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1st let me say that I don't enjoy Timcast as much as I used to when you were on it. Not that they let you talk that much.

2nd, it's embarrassing to see pseudo-christian poseurs saying all the crude and vile things. At the very least they have no self-awareness, and care little for what our Jewish Savior thinks about it.

3rd, if I may be allowed to annoy and vex your wonderful subscribership with my eschatological opinions, let me riff on my take on the situation with the Jews in the context of prophecy:

"Please don't blame Scofield and dispensationalism for the misapprehensions of the status of Jews like Ben Shapiro. The truth is that dispensationalism is not as complimentary of present day Jews and Israel is many anti-Semites have supposed. Prophecy says, including and especially the ancient Hebrew prophets, that Israel would be set aside for a time and during their period of suspension in their stead a rag tag motley crew of Jews who are not Jews and Gentiles who are not Gentiles and slaves who are not slaves and free who are not free and men who are not men and women who are not women, and my favorite, Scythians who are not Scythians, will be the ambassadors of Jesus Christ, the JewLord, and work to populate His Kingdom. Israel and the Jews themselves will be enemies of the gospel, but still brothers in election. Israel and the Jews will be deceived by the Beast and trust the Beast to protect them and keep them in peace, but, that doesn't work out, it's a pretty stupid move in my opinion, and they end up calling on the name of the Lord at the last minute. Surely, Israel and the Jews are saved in the end, but it ain't pretty and it's only a remnant. A remnant like all of God's people are always a remnant. God is not a respecter of persons, but His gifts and His calling are without repentance"

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Ok but to be fair and equal do we get to discuss the Talmud? I am not anti-anyone. I refuse to allow myself be called Christian but I do take upon the title of Hebrew. I've been ordained since 2005. My faith and my God does not condone me eliminating anyone. But the Talmud does. Just as I cannot stand up for the Christians I can not stand up for the tribe of Judah. Especially when it is their implicit desire to eliminate the other tribes of Israel commonly referred to as the Arabs. Most people don't have any idea that being Anti-Arab is being anti-Semitic as well or that they are the other tribes of Israel.

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Why the importance of describing Klevan as a jew first, and a convert second? You either believe that Jesus Christ is The Redeemer, or you do not. Tolerance for its own sake is not what Christ meant when he spoke about throwing stones. As I recall, in that story of the prostitute is genuine in her repentance for the life of sin she wallowed in. Can you truly say the same for Klevan and the onlyfans convert? Or are they monetizing their "faith" for attention?

We don't know their relationship with God. We know what we think, what we can observe.

Put aside your presumptuous claim that you know exactly what their intentions are, and recognize what specifically constitutes Idolatry.

Furthermore, revisit old testament for a look into what makes Judaism and Christianity so different, and the lessons in the stories that have fallen on deaf ears so many times.

There is a BIG difference in obeying the word of God to the letter, and accepting His will in spirit.

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From Twitter today:




There is mass line effort to create a synthetic fascist reactionary movement around "Christ is King" similar to the synthetic communist revolutionary movement in 2020 around "Black Lives Matter."

The goals:

1. Freak out normies so Trump losses the election.

2. Nullify and discredit the Christians who are forming a credible anti-communist anti-tyranny movement.

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